Sunday, November 13, 2005

Late night TV and Islam

So I was lying on the couch watching a bit of late night TV on the national geographic channel, and there was a program on about Muslim extremists and how they plan their terror attacks on the US. This made me wonder once again: Why do they hate the US so much?

There appears to be more than one answer to this. For starters, they hate the hipocrissy. You have a nation that has Christian origins and subscribes to Christian foundations, yet they are legalising abortion and teach evolution in their schools. But mostly, the extremists read the Quaran in a way that tells them that Christians and the West are evil and the world needs to be rid of them. It also teaches that when a believer dies during jihad he is ensured of a place in heaven. Two birds with one stone, so to speak.

But then I came along this gem and I just had to say something. The specific quote that prompted this:

In this way, Muslims are the true followers of Jesus, peace be upon him, because they defend him from the exaggerations of the Christians and teach the Pure Monotheism that Jesus himself followed.

Now how do you say a thing like that when Jesus specifically said things like:
  1. I am the way, the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)
  2. On that day you will pray in my name (John 16:24-26)
  3. Specific mention of the Trinity (Mat 28:19)
I can assure any muslim that Christians keep to the teachings of Jesus as much as we can. We still make mistakes though. Like any other religion, Christianity is used as a cover to commit terrible deeds. This should not be a stain upon Christianity.

Christianity brings with it a clear message of peace. We are not to hate the world, even though it hates us. We are not to hate our enemies. We need not fear anything (Romans 8:39). We do not have to participate in a holy war to reserve a place in Heaven, in fact the oposite is true (Mat 25:31-46). I cannot imagine how it must be to live in constant hate of those who believe differently.

Nevertheless, I suppose the hipocrissy of people who call themselves Christians is a cause for concern. But there will be many that say that they follow Christ, but not all of them will be saved (Mat 7:21). Should we kill them? Purify the earth from their wickedness? Mathew 13:27-30 tells a story that seems to warn us against prematurely trying to gather the weeds from between the wheat.


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