Sunday, March 25, 2007

The unbearable lightness of being

This is actually the title of a book (and a movie) written by Milan Kundera that I read (and saw) once. I saw the english version of the movie, then read the german version of the book (Der Unerträgliche leichtichkeit des seins).

The story is somewhat arty with lots of symbolism. It is about a light-hearted womanising surgeon who meets a girl that is the complete opposite of himself: she takes life very seriously. They end up getting married, with lots of conflict that leads to lot of philosophical questions.

The story has a bitter-sweet ending after the Soviet invasion of Prague (and his unwillingness to retract a letter in which he criticised the soviet party) forces him to leave his position as successful surgeon and become a window washer. He finally finds meaning in life, moving to a small town with his wife and living a simple life as a truck driver (Lastwagenfahrer). Then one evening they go dancing and on their way back home they die in an accident, caused by the badly worn brakes on his truck.

A good movie that I can recommend (if you can find it). Be warned, it has an age restriction of 21 for sex and nudity (it was published in the time when they still went that high).


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